Nod y Siarter Iaith yw dylanwadu’n bositif ar ddefnydd cymdeithasol plant o’r Gymraeg. Mewn gair, cael y plant i siarad Cymraeg yn naturiol ymysg ei gilydd. Mae’r Siarter Iaith yn gofyn am gyfranogiad gan bob aelod o gymuned yr ysgol - y cyngor ysgol, y disgyblion, y gweithlu, rhieni, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned ehangach er mwyn sicrhau perchnogaeth lawn ohoni ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth o fanteision addysgol, cymdeithasol, economaidd a diwylliannol wrth siarad Cymraeg a bod yn ddwyieithog.
Ers lansio’r Siarter Iaith Gymraeg yn Ysgol Gymraeg Tirdeunaw, mae llawer o waith gwerth chweil wedi digwydd yn ein hysgol ar rydym wedi ennill gwobr efydd Tafod Tawe.
The aim of the Siarter Iaith (Language Charter) is to be a positive influence on children's social use of Welsh. In short, to get the children to speak Welsh naturally amongst themselves. The Siarter Iaith requires the involvement of all members of the school community - the school council, pupils, workforce, parents, governors and the wider community to ensure full ownership of it and to raise awareness of the educational, social, economical and cultural benefits to speaking Welsh and being bilingual.
Since the launch of the Welsh Language Charter in Ysgol Gymraeg Tirdeunaw, many activities have taken place in our school and we have won the bronze Tafod Tawe award.