YSGOL GYMRAEG TIRDEUNAW - 'O'r fesen, derwen a dÿf'
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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tirdeunaw

O’r fesen derwen a dŷf

Presenoldeb / Attendance

Mae gan yr ysgol strwythur cadarn ar gyfer tracio presenoldeb. Mae’r ysgol yn gwneud defnydd da o ddata er mwyn targedu grwpiau ac unigolion i wella agweddau penodol o’u presenoldeb.  Mae systemau gwobrwyo’r ysgol yn annog y rhan fwyaf o ddisgyblion i wneud eu gorau glas i ddod i’r ysgol.

Swyddog lles yr ysgol: Mrs Rhiannon Smith


The school has a sound structure for tracking attendance. The school makes good use of data in order to target groups and individuals to improve specific aspects of their attendance. The school’s reward systems encourage the majority of pupils to do their best to attend school.

Educational Welfare Officer: Mrs Rhiannon Smith

Llythyron Presenoldeb / Attendance letters (2024/2025)

Gweithdrenau Presenoldeb/Attendance Procedure
