YSGOL GYMRAEG TIRDEUNAW - 'O'r fesen, derwen a dÿf'
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Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tirdeunaw

O’r fesen derwen a dŷf

Cyngor Ysgol/School Council

Y Cyngor Ysgol 2024 - 2025


Croeso i dudalen y Cyngor Ysgol 2024-2025. Rydym yn griw o ddisgyblion a etholwyd gan ein dosbarthiadau er mwyn eu cynrychioli yng nghyfarfodydd yr ysgol. Rydym yn cwrdd bob hanner tymor i drafod gwahanol ffyrdd o wella’r ysgol yn fewnol, allanol ac yn addysgol. Rydym hefyd yn trefnu gweithgareddau gwanhanol i’r disgyblion. Eleni rydym yn ffocysu ar helpu eraill.



The School Council 2024 - 2025


Welcome to The School Council's page 2024-2025. We are a crew of pupils that have been elected by our class mates to represent their voice during school meetings. We meet every half term to discuss different ways of improving the school internally, externally and educationally. Our school council represents the views of all our pupils and it gives us the opportunity to feel heard and to be a part of the whole school community. This year we will be focusing on helping others.

Dyma ni!

Adnoddau Amser Chwarae Newydd / New Playtime Resources

Gwasanaeth gan Fyfyrwyr Coleg Gŵyr i rannu eu profiad o'u taith i Ysgol Gynradd Madungu. Assembly by Gower College Students to share their experience of their trip to Madungu Primary School in Kenya.

Casgliad y Cynhaeaf ar gyfer Swansea Community Grocery / Harvest Collection for Swansea Community Grocery

Gwasanaeth diwrnod 'Dangos y Cerdyn Coch i Hiliaeth'. / 'Show Racism the Red Card' day assembly.

Y Cyngor Ysgol 2023 - 2024


Croeso i dudalen y Cyngor Ysgol 2023-2024. Rydym yn griw o ddisgyblion a etholwyd gan ein dosbarthiadau er mwyn eu cynrychioli yng nghyfarfodydd yr ysgol. Rydym yn cwrdd bob hanner tymor i drafod gwahanol ffyrdd o wella’r ysgol yn fewnol, allanol ac yn addysgol. Rydym hefyd yn trefnu gweithgareddau gwanhanol i’r disgyblion. Eleni rydym yn ffocysu ar ddatblygu’r ardal allanol.



The School Council 2023 - 2024


Welcome to The School Council's page 2023-2024. We are a crew of pupils that have been elected by our class mates to represent their voice during school meetings. We meet every half term to discuss different ways of improving the school internally, externally and educationally. Our school council represents the views of all our pupils and it gives us the opportunity to feel heard and to be a part of the whole school community. This year we will be focusing on developing the outdoor areas.

 Dyma ni!

Diwrnod Dangos y Cerdyn Coch i Hiliaeth 2023 / Show Racism the Red Card Day 2023

Neges Heddwch ac Ewyllys Da Yr Urdd 2023


Still image for this video

Gemau Amser Chwarae Gwlyb

Gwasanaeth Diwrnod y Llyfr 2024 / World Book Day 2024 Assembly.

Gwasanaeth gwych gan blant y Cyngor Ysgol am hanes a phwrpas Diwrnod y Llyfr.


An excellent assembly by the School Council on the history and the purpose of World Book Day.

Cefnogi Ysgol Madungu

Cofnodion 2023-2024.

Cyngor Ysgol 2018 - 2019

Croeso i dudalen y Cyngor Ysgol. Rydym yn griw o ddisgyblion a etholwyd gan ein dosbarthiadau er mwyn eu cynrychioli yng nghyfarfodydd yr ysgol. 


Welcome - we are the school council for 2018/19! We are a crew of pupils that have been elected  by our class mates to represent their voice during school meetings. We meet every half term to discuss ideas, problems and solutions that our class mates have. Our school council represents the views of all our pupils and it gives us the opportunity to feel heard and a part of the whole school community.


Yn y cyfarfodydd rydym yn trafod gwahanol ffyrdd o wella’r ysgol yn fewnol, allanol ac yn addysgol. Rydym hefyd yn trefnu gweithgareddau gwanhaol i’r disgyblion. Eleni rydym yn ffocysu ar wella Cymreictod yn yr ysgol ac eisiau annog pob disgybl i siarad Cymraeg tu fewn a thu allan i’r ystafell ddosbarth.


In every meeting we discuss different ways in which we can improve our school internally, externally and educationally. We also organise various activities for the pupils. 

Ein Cyngor Ysgol 2018/19
