Ymarferion Adfer / Restorative practice
Proses yw’r ymarferion adferol sy’n dod â’r plant sydd wedi eu heffeithio gan ddigwyddiad neu gwympo mas yngyd â’r disgybl/disgyblion sy’n gyfrifol am y loes. Wrth gyfathrebu’n effeithiol gall bawb a effeithiwyd gan y digwyddiad gael rhan bositif yn atgyweirio’r drwg a waned gan ddod o hyd i ffordd ymarferol i symun ymlaen.
Mae’r rhaglenni ymarferol o fewn yr ysgol yn rhoi sgiliau a gwybodaeth arbennig i’r staff fel eu bod yn gallu delio â sefyllfaoedd o wrthdaro ynghyd â phroblemau ymddygiad, yn effeithiol. Wrth i’r athrawon, disgyblion a rhieni ddefnyddio’r ymarferion adferol yn ddyddiol, gobaith yr ysgol yw na fydd angen, yn y pendraw i ni ddefnyddio’r camau mwyaf eithafol o ddisgyblaeth megis gwahardd plant.
Mae meithrin ymarferion adferol fel rhan o bolisi’r ygsol gyfan yn dylanwadu’n gryf ar bawb ac yn creu perthynas barchus, bositif rhwng bob un. Yn ei dro, gwelir gwelliant yn ymddygiad a phresenoldeb y plant.
Ysgol bositif yw Ysgol Gymraeg Tirdeunaw lle mae pob plentyn yn werthfawr. Rydym yn annog ein plant i dderbyn cyfrifoldeb am eu hymddygiad ac i gydnabod eu teimladau. Rydym yn gwrando ar lais ein plant.
J James : Pennaeth
Restorative processes bring those harmed by crime or conflict, and those responsible for the harm, into communication, enabling everyone affected by a particular incident to play a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward.
Restorative Approaches in Schools is a programme which provides staff with the skills and knowledge to effectively tackle conflict and behavioural problems. The aim of employing restorative approaches is to avoid situations in which schools are obliged to resort to more extreme measures of behavioural management such as exclusion by empowering teachers, parents and pupils to tackle problems at grass-roots level.
A restorative approach, introduced as a whole school policy, has been widely evidenced as having a major impact on the learning and teaching of the school community, forging more respectful and productive relationships and successfully addressing behaviour and attendance issues.
Tirdeunaw is a positive school with each individual given an equal standing and deserving an equal opportunity. We encourage our pupils to accept responsibility for their actions and to recognise their feelings. We listen to the voice of our pupils.
J James : Headteacher
Ein menter ysgol newydd ydy'r Prosiect Baxter, lle mae ci yn dod ac yn ymweld i ryngweithio ag unigolion. Teimlwn y byddai'r plant yn elwa o’r rhaglen gan ei fod yn ei gefnogi trwy helpu i darganfod ei gryfder mewnol, ei wydnwch, ei botensial a’i rymuso i fyw fywyd boddhaus a phwrpasol, neu wella diwrnod rhywun. Mae pob rhyngweithiad yn ymyriad!
Our new school initiative is called The Baxter Project, where a dog comes and visits to interact with individuals. We feel that our children would benefit from the programme as it supports him/her by helping discover his/her inner strength, resilience, potential and empower him/her to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life, or simply improve someone’s day. Every interaction is an intervention!