Pam mae gwaith ar fwyd a ffitrwydd yn elfen bwysig o’r cwricwlwm yma yn YGG Tirdeunaw?
Mae’n ymddangos bod y maeth a gaiff babanod a phlant yn effeithio ar iechyd yn ddiweddarach yn eu bywydau. Mae deiet llawer o blant a phobl ifanc yn annigonol. Nid ydyn nhw’n bwyta llawer o ffrwythau a llysiau ond maen nhw’n bwyta llawer o fyrbrydau sy’n uchel mewn braster, siwgr a halen. Hefyd, mae diffygion fitaminau a mwynau (fitamin D a haearn) yn gyffredin mewn rhai grwpiau. Mae ymyrraeth gynnar yn bwysig gan fod arferion bwyta yn gallu cael eu sefydlu pan fydd plant yn ifanc.
Mae deiet gytbwys mewn plentyndod a’r glasoed yn debygol o leihau’r risg o broblemau deintyddol. Er bod rhai agweddau o iechyd deintyddol wedi gwella dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae anghydraddoldebau ar draws Cymru o safbwynt iechyd y geg, yn gysylltiedig ag amryw o ffactorau, yn cynnwys amddifadedd cymdeithasol a ffordd o fyw.
I blant a phobl ifanc mae’r dystiolaeth yn dangos bod 60 munud o weithgarwch y rhan fwyaf o ddiwrnodau yn help iddyn nhw dyfu a datblygu’n iach. Mae tystiolaeth gref y byddai gan boblogaeth fwy egnïol a mwy ffit gyfraddau is o ordewdra, clefyd cardiofasgwlaidd, diabetes math 2 a rhai canserau, a llai o broblemau iechyd meddwl.
Why is work on food and fitness an important part of the curriculum here at YGG Tirdeunaw?
Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity in children and young people can lead to a number of health problems including being
overweight or obese. During childhood and adolescence, young people make important lifestyle choices that predetermine health risks at adult age. Consequently, it is vital for the children here at YGG Tirdeunaw to be guided towards healthy behaviours while they are at school.
Nutrition in infants and children appears to affect health in later life. The diets of many children and young people are inadequate, with low intakes of fruit and vegetables and high intakes of snacks that are high in fat, sugar and salt. In addition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies (vitamin D and iron) are common in certain groups. Early intervention is important as eating habits can become established in early childhood.
A balanced diet in childhood and adolescence is likely to reduce the risk of dental problems. While aspects of dental health have improved in recent years, there are inequalities throughout Wales in oral health, associated with a variety of factors including social deprivation and lifestyle.
For children and young people evidence indicates that 60 minutes of activity on most days will help them achieve healthy growth and development. There is strong evidence that a more active and fitter population would have lower rates of obesity, cardiovascular
disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and fewer mental health problems. The proportion of young people meeting recommended activity levels is worryingly low and declines between the ages of 11 and 15.
A number of researchers have noted improved behaviour and school performance following a healthy meal and adequate hydration.
Mae brecwast wedi ei gydnabod bellach fel pryd pwysicaf y dydd ac mae tystiolaeth yn awgrymu bod plant sy'n cael y cyfle i fwyta brecwast iach a maethlon cyn dechrau'r diwrnod ysgol yn fwy tebygol o gyflawni eu potensial llawn.
Mae’r Fenter Brecwast am Ddim Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi cyfle i blant gael brecwast iach am ddim yn yr ysgol bob dydd mewn ysgolion cynradd yng Nghymru. Am ragor o wybodaeth am ein Clwb Brecwast, cysylltwch â'n tîm gweinyddol:
Breakfast has long been recognised as the most important meal of the day and evidence suggests that children who have the opportunity to eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast prior to the start of the school day are more likely to achieve their full potential.
The Welsh Assembly Government Primary School Free Breakfast Initiative gives children in primary schools in Wales the opportunity to have a free, healthy breakfast in school each day. For further information about our Breakfast Club please contact our administration team:
Cliciwch isod i lawrlwytho taflen gyda ffyrdd hawdd o wneud bocsys bwyd iachach. Click below to download a leaflet with easy ways of making lunchboxes healthier.
Dylai bocsys bwyd gael eu cadw’n oer – yn ddelfrydol defnyddiwch focs bwyd wedi’i inswleiddio gyda phaciau rhew neu garton o sudd wedi’i rewi er mwyn ei gadw’n oer. Os bydd brechdanau’n cael eu paratoi y noson gynt, storiwch nhw yn yr oergell dros nos.
Lunchboxes should be kept cool – ideally use an insulated lunchbox with icepacks or a frozen carton of juice to keep it cool. If sandwiches are prepared the previous evening, always store them in a fridge overnight.